Common Types of Dry Skin

I hope you are now familiar with the meaning and characteristics of dry skin. Although dry skin is a common skin condition, there are various:


These types of dry skin can manifest as a result of various reasons such as low humidity, genetics and so on. Dry skin can become severe and manifest in different forms including:

  1. Dermatitis: Dermatitis is also loosely known as eczema. Dermatitis broadly means skin irritation or inflammation. It is common condition that occurs in different forms with various causes. Dermatitis is characterized by itching, dry skin, rashes, red skin, and swollen skin. Dermatitis can also cause skin blisters, crusts, or flakes.

Ichthyosis: Ichthyosis is family of genetic skin disorders characterized by dry scaly or thickened skin. Most types of ichthyosis are inherited; however, some types of ichthyosis are caused as a result of other genetic diseases such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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